A Short Blog As A Treat!

 The Ten Rings Were Made By Eternals

We all know that Shang-Chi Was an epic movie but did you ever think who made the Ten Rings?

The Ten Rings were made by the Eternals! What?

Ok there are two points that confirm that the Ten Rings were made by the Eternals :

1.Who holds the Ten Rings Is Eternal

I probably might say that the Eternals made the Ten Rings for themselves so that if the Deviants can kill them , they can defeat the Deviants with a source of energy that none of the Deviants could know! But probably the Rings have been lost by some member?

2. The Ten Rings Made By Phastos

You know the guy who makes sci-tech in Eternals and you must also observe that Phastos's powers are very similar to the Ten Rings.

Another Blog Will Be Posted in this week! This was a treat.
