The 10 Most Important Marvel Villains, Ranked


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The 10 Most Important Marvel Villains, Ranked

Marvel's biggest villains are just as important as the heroes, and comics just wouldn't be as good without them.

Marvel is one of the biggest names in pop culture, and their comics output is always among the best selling. 

Marvel's heroes are iconic, battling the worst evils imaginable. 

These villains have become some of the most popular antagonists of all time, with many of them just as well known as the heroes they fight. 

The villains of the Marvel Universe are some of the most important characters in comics, their actions having a huge impact on things.

Marvel's biggest villains are just as important as the heroes. 

They are an integral part of the equation, and it's hard to imagine Marvel without them.

10.Sabretooth's Rivalry With Wolverine Is One Of The Fiercest Ever

Wolverine is one of Marvel's most popular heroes, and his greatest foe is Sabretooth. 

The rivalry between heroes and villains is often fierce, but the one between Wolverine and Sabretooth has always taken things to the next level. 

Sabretooth is a monstrous sadist, tormenting Wolverine and the X-Men for his own sick enjoyment.

Writers have used Sabretooth to push the envelope for violent villains. 

As Wolverine's most iconic enemy, he has a powerful legacy to uphold and is more popular than many of Marvel's biggest heroes, casting a huge shadow in the Marvel Universe.

9.Galactus Was The First Big Cosmic Villain

Galactus was a huge deal right from the start. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four was known for its mindblowing cosmic tales, but "The Coming Of Galactus" in issues 48-50 took it to the next level. 

Galactus was the first villain of his kind, an almost Lovecraftian manifestation of the uncaring universe come to life and targeting the Earth for destruction.

Galactus paved the way for the ascendancy of Marvel's cosmic heroes and villains. 

He's become an icon in the Marvel Universe, one of the most powerful beings to ever battle Marvel's heroes, and a very different kind of menace, one with no malice.

8.Loki Has Battled Marvel's Biggest Heroes

Loki has become a cultural icon thanks to the MCU, but before that, he was one of Marvel's greatest comic book villains. 

He's battled Thor, the Avengers, the X-Men, and many others. 

The God of Mischief left a huge mark on the Marvel Universe even before he ever debuted in the MCU. 

He's always been rather popular, but in recent years, that's skyrocketed.

Loki's been more heroic lately, but that doesn't change how important of a villain he has been. 

He was the first foe the Avengers ever fought and has been a thorn in the sides of every major hero in the Marvel Universe at one point or another.

7.Ultron Is The Avengers' Most Iconic Foe

Ultron was created by Avenger Hank Pym and rose to become one of the team's greatest villains. 

Ultron has played a big role in Avengers' history, both because of his threat to the team and what he represents to them.

 Ultron's creation plays a big part in Hank Pym's story, and the android's battles against the team have created fan-favorite stories for years.

The Avengers have fought a lot of villains, but none of them have the kind of personal connection to the team that Ultron has, both because of his "father" Hank Pym and his "son," long-time Avenger the Vision. He's the Avengers' most iconic enemy.

6.Doctor Octopus Has Battled Spider-Man For Years

Spider-Man has some of the best villains in comics, and one of the oldest of his foes is Doctor Octopus. 

Doc Ock has been battling Spider-Man for nearly as long as the hero has existed and is one of the Wall-Crawler's most well-known enemies. 

He helped found the Sinister Six, Spider-Man's most iconic team of villains, and has even managed to kill Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus's stint as the Superior Spider-Man acted as a renaissance for the character, and he jumped to the top of the heap of Spider-Man's foes. 

He's appeared in multiple pieces of Spider-Man media and is one of Marvel's most well-known villains.

5.Red Skull Is The Face Of True Evil

Captain America is Marvel's biggest icon, and his most dangerous enemy is the Red Skull. 

An unrepentant Nazi and one of the main architects of Hydra, he's battled the Star-Spangled Avenger, Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., and more. 

He's the diametric opposite of Captain America, and it's impossible to separate the two from each other.

Captain America needs Red Skull in a lot of ways. Skull's villainy and monstrousness serve as the perfect counterpoint to Cap's goodness. 

Stories starring him are always some of the best, and he's one of Cap's most recognizable villains.

4.Green Goblin Is Spider-Man's Greatest Villain

There have been some hardcore battles between Green Goblin and Spider-Man over the years. 

The effect that Green Goblin has had on Spider-Man's life is undeniable. 

He's responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy and the Clone Saga, tormenting Spider-Man for years. 

After Civil War, he hit the big timerunning the Thunderbolts and killing the Skrull Queen in Secret Invasion.

This made him into more than a Spider-Man villain, taking control of the Superhero 

Initiative and battling the Avengers. He's an even bigger villain than ever, and his place in the Spider-Man mythos is secure.

3.Magneto Proved That Even The Biggest Villains Could Be Sympathetic

Magneto may be reformed now, but he was the X-Men's most iconic villain for years. 

Like many Marvel villains introduced in the Silver Age, he started out as a cackling villainous stereotype, but he has since become something more. 

Magneto was given a tragic backstory, surviving the Holocaust and repeatedly being victimized by humanity's racism throughout his life.

Magneto was molded by tragedy and is one of the most developed Marvel villains of all time. 

He's also one of the most popular, which is why he's been reformed multiple times in the past, with his current stint as a hero lasting over a decade. 

Few villains have had the effect on the Marvel Universe as Magneto, and he's changed the way antagonists are perceived.

2.Doctor Doom Is Marvel's Most Intriguing Villain

Few Marvel villains have the pedigree of Doctor Doom. 

Doom is a villain who shouldn't work in the modern age of comics, a foe as defined by his over-the-top histrionics as his villainous deeds. 

He's stood the test of time, though, and his unfolding story is one of Marvel's most intriguing. 

He's capable of the most reprehensible actions, but there's also a profound goodness to him at times, and he's saved the universe on multiple occasions.

Doom is a bundle of contradictions, which is what makes him such a great villain. 

He can be both vile and sympathetic, making readers love and hate him simultaneously.

1.Thanos Is The Marvel Universe's Biggest Threat

Thanos is currently considered one of Marvel's greatest villains, and his history is an interesting one. 

Creator Jim Starlin made him into the ultimate cosmic Marvel bad guy before his death and then brought him back in a big way in Infinity Gauntlet. 

This story would prove to be the one that truly put Thanos on the map and would lead to his massive present popularity.

Thanos's popularity has always waxed and waned. 

There are so many versions of the character to choose from — Starlin's more nuanced take, to the nihilistic destroyer that is popular now, to the MCU's more simplistic Titan. 

In any form, he's one of the most dangerous villains the heroes of Marvel have ever faced.




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